Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

We are quite boring.... I think.

I haven't posted for a while because we are not that exciting. BUT.. if you must know...

Jordan is a workaholic! He is ALWAYS working at The Mens Warehouse! This past weekend was delightful though! He had saturday off for one week and monday off for the next. So we were able to spend... Saturday (after he went golfing of course), Sunday, and Monday together! I really needed him this weekend because during the week... Pocket gave us a big scare. He was having a hard time breathing. He is doing much better now and we just love him so much! He has been in my life since I was in Elementary school and we aren't letting him off that easy :)

I have been keeping busy teaching swimming lessons. I put a post up on ksl classifieds and was shocked at how many calls I received! I am currently a proud swim teacher of 20 students. They are all SO fantastic! I also was able to help at Thanksgiving point's "Princess Festival" which was a BLAST! I have also been keeping busy with helping out with Cottonwood Heights Butlerville Days! Which is going to be SO FUN! I hope you all can make it! It will be July 25th near the Cottonwood Heights Recreation Center! SOOO many fun things going on and it's FREE!

This weekend we are hoping to have a quick trip up to the cabin for the 4th of July! Pocket is DEATHLY afraid of fireworks! With his heart condition and the problems he has been having... we are going to take him as far away as we can! We will be missing the fireworks and family fun but, we will be enjoying our fun family cabin and roasting mallows as much as we can. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Working at the princess festival as Buttercup the Fairy. My niece Marley and Sister in law Tara came to visit me!

The snuggle Bugs

Here is Pocket Brushing his teeth with his POULTY FLAVORED toothpaste. Delightful! Pocket needs to brush his teeth because with his heart problem he can't get his teeth done at the vet.

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