Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I love my job(s)!

I just want to brag for a few moments on how awesome my job is. I have worked with some amazing children who I still occasionally get to work with and love every moment of it! Not only are the children awesome... the parents are too! I have been so blessed to work with these families and even become apart of their family. I love being called Nanny Neese and absolutely love hearing little voices say it. I am also called Mrs. Denise in my ABA therapist jobs. I love all the memories I have with all of these wonderful children and can't wait for many more to come! 

 (Job #5) This is Bryan- I was his job coach for almost a year at Jungle Jims. He is a handsome 26 year old who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy who is at a ten year old level. He is so much fun to hang out with and can always put a smile on my face. He loved to play video games, play the drums, sing, and volunteer at the shelters- he loved to walk the BIG dogs, especially labs. 

(3)  This is Emma. She is now 1 years old! I've known her since she was born! She is Bryan's Niece and Jessie's (below) little sister. It is a joy to watch her and jessie whenever I get the chance! I think it is crazy how fast these children grow!

(3)  This is Jessie. I started watching her when she was 6 months old. Now she is 3 and growing GROWING! Her family hired me and right before my 3rd week of work... my appendix burst! I called her on my way to the hospital telling her I would not be able to make it to work tomorrow and probably not for a while... Any parent would get a new nanny... Not them! They made it work until I came back to work just over a month later. I'm so glad they waited for me because, I could not imagine a life with out them in it! Jessie was also one of my flower girls at my wedding. That was when she was just learning how to walk! CRAZY!

 (6) This is sweet Jacqueline! Jacqueline was diagnosed with high functioning autism. Honestly, you would never know. She is the sweetest gal! She is also very smart (she also LOVES Disney!)! I was first hired as a weekend babysitter so mom & dad could have a night out. I then was hired as Jacqueline's school shadow. That was when I first became trained in ABA(Applied Behavior Analysis). Jacqueline was put into a private school and she was the only one with autism in her class. I was there to monitor Jacqueline's behavior and help her through the day. We had our tough times but also had wonderful times! Jacqueline soon no longer needed me in the class with her..I missed going to school with her and the entire class! I still get to watch her every now and then. I love it!

(8) These 3 gals are who I am watching now Claire (Above), Abby & Ella (Below). I have never had so much fun! These girls love to be outside, sing, dance, stay busy! Which is wonderful for me! I wish I had sisters like them when I was growing up! They are so sweet to each other! I am so excited for them to get out of school so we can all hang out and do so many more things! I hope I get to stay with these cute girls for a LONG time!!

(4) This is Linnea & Mady. I was there nanny before I got married. I was so sad when they moved away! Luckily i'm friend with their mom on Facebook so I get to see pictures of them lots! I can't believe how big they are!  When I watched these girls they always kept me busy! My best friend Sarah was their other nanny too! That made it fun so we could all hang out together!

 (2) This is Kaas and Kora with their cute mom. I watched these cute kids right when I got back from working in Walt Disney World! They were a blast! I am also friends with their mom on Facebook and enjoy seeing them grow! These kids were such a wonderful brother and sister, I wish my brother and I were like them! 

 (1) This is Riley! Riley was the first child I nannied! I've known him for forever! I can't believe how grown up he is! He makes me nervous to have kids- they grow too fast! But, when I do have children, I hope they are just like Riley. Riley was also in my wedding as a ring barer. A very handsome one! I still have so much fun with Riley! My family absolutely loves him! We all can't wait to see what the future brings for him!

(7) This is Hailey. Hailey has been diagnosed with Autism. She is also non-verbal, meaning that she doesn't talk. I'm Hailey's ABA therapist a few days a week. Hailey has definitely been a wonderful girl to work with! She is absolutely beautiful! I know that one day she will be able to have a way to communicate  with her family and friends- she is so smart and knows what we are saying... she just has a hard time getting the words out herself. I can't wait to see more progress with Hailey!

Inbetween all theses families I have also had short here and there babysitting jobs and have met wonderful people doing it! I feel they have all changed my life and I hope I have changed theirs! If you are interested in becoming a nanny I would recommend starting at care.com. I have found 6/7 of my families on there along with my short baby sitting jobs. I'm so grateful for all the wonderful jobs that I have had and do have! I can't wait to see what the future brings! I can't wait to become a Special Education teacher so I can teach more children like Jacqueline, Bryan, and Hailey! 

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